What is Art Therapy?

Image of a woman holding up her painting and smiling at it. The painting depicts a heart and grass, and reads, "hope, healing, humanity."

According to the American Art Therapy Association: 

“Art therapy uses active art-making, the creative process, and applied psychological theory—within a psychotherapeutic relationship—to enrich the lives of individuals, families, and communities.” https://arttherapy.org/ 

Benefits of Art Therapy include: 

  • Improves self-esteem and boosts self-confidence
  • Attain a better understanding of personal goals and values
  • Helps people heal from trauma/PTSD
  • Developing interpersonal relationship skills
  • Helps find resolution to the issues or concerns that lead to seeking therapy
  • Learn new ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and anger
  • Improve communications and listening skills
  • Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones
  • Problem-solving skills

Art Therapy Education

  • Art Therapists must go through extensive training in art therapy application technique classes and mental health curriculum
  • A 60 credit Masters level art therapy graduate training program is required to become an art therapist
  • Over 1000 hours of art therapy client contact and 150 hours of supervision must be obtained to become registered as an art therapist
  • Board Certification is obtained by passing the national art therapy board certification exam. Registration and board certification is regulated by the Art Therapy Credentials Board.  http://www.atcb.org/

For more information on the education, application, and credentials of art therapy, please visit our Links and Resources page.



Creative thinking

Creative Flow

Self Expression

Self Fulfillment

Stress Relief

Healing from Trauma



Tampa, FL 33549

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